Thursday 22 January 2015

Hussain Sagar Lake

Hussain Sagar Lake

Hussain Sagar Lake
Built in the 16th century, Hussain Sagar Lake with a 3 km long dam wall is the largest artificial lake in Asia that connects the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Situated around 3km from the Hyderabad city center,  it was built by Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah in gratitude to Hussain Shah Wali, who had cured him from a disease. The tank, fed by streams originating from the Musi River, supplies water to Hyderabad City. It is here Aurangzeb's forces are said to have encamped during their . of Golconda. 
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the brief introduction of Hussain Sagar Lake. The lake links the beautiful city of Hyderbad with Secunderabad, making the twin cities. Even today lot many people spend their time on the shore of Hussain Sagar Lake. For people, who are planning to visit Secunderabad, check out these hotels in Secunderabad.

