Kids Born in 80’s will surely know about these games but not these days kids who play games of no physical stress. Games earlier played both boost up the physical and mental healths. Some of these games are forgotten along with the past. Goli, Ghili, Lagori games provide physical strain and strength while indoor games like Moksha Patam or Chaupat improves mental health. lets have a look of these games..
1. Antakshari
Popularly Known as spoken parlour game played in India. Either played between different groups or group of different contestants. A contestant or group need to sing the first verse of the song that starts with the last Hindustani letter of the song sung by the previous contestant or group.

2. Ashtapada.
This is game that predates chess. Ashtapada is the original name of the current days chess and is invented in India. Two or four participants could at a time this game. Two Rectangular cubes with numbering on them determine the number of houses to be moved on the board.

Lagori is an often played game in India during 80’s which requires considerable amount of physical strain an balancing skills. In northern parts of Kerala especially in Kannur this game is called as Dappa kali. Played by Boys in most percentage between two groups. It consists of 10 pieces of marbles piled one above the other. One group need to over turn the set of these marbles once done the same team need to rearrange the same while other team defend the first team not to do so. It seems similar to the game of seven stones.

4. Kite Fighting.
Traditionally played in India earlier and seen now most rarely in some parts. The name itself indicates that game between kites. The abrasive line of one kite is used to cut down the weaker line of the other kites.

5. Gilli Danda.
Played using two sticks one larger called Danda and smaller called Gilli sharpened at one or both ends. Standing in a ring the player need to toss Gilli to air hitting at one end and further hit it strong to distance as possible. The task given have to be completed either running to an distance pre declared before the opponent retrieves it.

6.Moksha Patam.
The common and popular name is snake and ladder actually originated from ancient India. The ladders in the game make one to reach higher level at once and snakes get one to lower levels. This game indicates the uprisal and downfalls of one in his life to finally reach Moksha.

7.Pallanguzhi or Ali Guli Mane
Pallanguzhi is a combination of two words Pathinaalam(14) + Kuzhi(Pits). This is game played by two on a wooden board having fourteen pits. Each of this pits consists of a fixed number of pebbles of any kind. one player picks all the pebbles of a pit and distribute in other pits. Many variations are possible on account of pit and number of pebbles it consists of.

8. Pittu Garam of Sevens Stones.
Similar to that of Lagori this game consists of Seven Stones place one above the other as a tower and one member of the team collapse the tower and need to rebuilt the tower before the other team hits them with a ball.

Played by all aged and gender which have five stones. One need to toss on stone in air and get a grip of one stone on ground with out missing the one in air.

10. Kancha/Goli
Played using marbles called Kancha or Goli. One need to hit the Target Kancha given by the opponent. If does he owns all others Golis.

11. Kho Kho.
Famous Indian game with no reputation these days. Members of both team site adjacent to each other facing 180 degrees. The team wins if all the opponents are tapped/tagged in shortest time possible.

12. Poshampa.
Train of people run under a tower made by two people holding thir hands and sings a song. The song could be stopped at any point and when stopped the candidates directly beneath the tower will be caught and made out.

13. Kith Kith Or Pandi Attam.
Known as Tokkudu Billa/Tangidi Billa in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Kunti Billa in Karnataka. Played mostly by girls in rural areas where an object is tossed on to ground where numbers drawn inside rectangles. One should retrieve the object moving through spaces provided in the boxes.

14. Kabbadi
Played between two teams each having seven members, a contact based game. One enter the box of opposition and need to touch one or more opponents to make them out. The same continues till one team gets out totally or reaches the points specified before.

15. Krida-Patram
This is a game of cards having basics from ancient India. Called as Ganjifa cards in medieval times. Cards are made up of cloth that have depicting images from Ramayana and Mahabharatha. Played in all Royal Courts earlier.

16. Kalari.
A Complete and Scientific Martial Art originated in India by an Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma but popularised in China during 5th century. A temple took is selected to teach this Art earlier and now the same is called Shaolin Temple.

Emerged from Assam of India played in a ground( 125m X 80m). A rubber ball is used by both the team of eleven members to knock the other members out of the game.

18. Chaupat.
The Board used to play this game is made be cloth and two or four could play the game at once. Shells are used as dice, each shell facing sky counts one point. Ancient stories say that this is an modified game played in epic poem Mahabharata played between Yudhisthira and Duryodhan.

19. Lambs and Tigers
Aadu Puli aatam is the local name played by two players as one tries to protect 15 Lambs and other controls three Tigers to kill the Lambs.

20. Hide and Seek.
Also called as Kannamoochi is an outdoor game played children of all age group. In this game one have to trace all other participants of the game who are trying to hid at many places. The facial form of this game is also played by parents with their children at a tender age.

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