Thursday 26 February 2015

A 19th Century Monk who guided Tesla towards E= mc^2 before Eisenstein!

Who was Nicola Tesla?
Tesla was a scientific Genius of our time. His discoveries and his projects would seem to be straight out of a science fiction movie even today.
Tesla proposed “World free Energy” device. The device he was building would get free wireless electricity just the way we get mobile signals out of thin air. Imagine that kind of world. His work was so revolutionary that US government allegedly kept his work as strictly confidential for years after his death.
Tesla electrified the world. He invented A/C current that electrifies our houses today.  A large number of electric motors you read about in school were built by him. Tesla had stated that he used to get visions and the image of complete model of a device was ready in his mind even before he started building it.
Legend has it that Einstein was once asked what it felt like to be the smartest man alive. Einstein’s reply was “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”
Those who watch Hollywood movies would remember his representation in the movie “Prestige” . The movie also displays his idea of “Free Energy”
So when Swami Vivekananda came to the United States to deliver his world famous speech in Chicago, he mentioned the Vedanta philosophy that “force” and “matter” are not two different entities but different forms of a single entitiy called “Prana” in vedic philosophy. This “prana” is  “energy” in English. Thus according to vedic philosophy both force and mass is just energy in diffrenet form. Much like water can be be both liquid and solid as ice in form. Nicola Tesla didn’t agree with Sawamiji’s assertion. Sure enough, Tesla invited Swamiji for a discussion. Swamiji mentions this in a letter to an English friend “Mr. Tesla thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go and see him next week to get this new mathematical demonstration. In that case the Vedantic cosmoloqy will be placed on the surest of foundations. I am working a good deal now upon the cosmology and eschatology of the Vedanta. I clearly see their perfect union with modern science, and the elucidation of the one will be followed by that of the other.” (Complete Works, Vol. V, Fifth Edition, 1347, p. 77).
Tesla failed in his effort to show the identity of mass and energy. Apparently he understood that when speed increases, mass must decrease. He seems to have thought that mass might be “converted” to energy and vice versa, rather than that they were identical in some way.
It was only 10 years later that Eisenstein proved that mass and enery are identical with his Noble winning paper on theory of Relativity, this epoch equation E= where E” mc^2 where E= energy, M = Mass, and C is a constant, which is the speed of light.
Thus, he proved that Enrgy and Mass are proportionally related and thus invariably identical. This equation was primarily used by openhiemer in making atom bomb and holds the key to an inexsaustible supply to energy to the mankind. The disparity in standards of living among people and some of the biggest wars would cease to exist if we understand how to harness this energy.
So how did Eisenstein come up with E=mc2?
He assumed the same principle that swami and Tesla had been discussing. Performed a “thought experiment” i.e, experiment in his mind, used his existing knowledge of relativity and stated thus “The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content.”
Mass is a measure of energy content, but he left his readers to wonder if there might be other contributing factors as well. Nowhere did he write that mass and energy are
“equivalent;” that he added later. The paper link here
Swamiji wished that Tesla would suceed as that would show perfect union between Modern science and Eastern Philosohpy. But by then Swamiji had left the world and so him aim to connect European science with Vedantic philosophy laid incomplete.
Nicola Tesla was highly influenced by Vedic Philosophy.
An excerpt from Nicola Tesla unpublished article Man’s Greatest Achievement:
” Long ago he(Man) recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. ”
This is basically in reference to Vedanta philosophy of “Akasha”, the Sanskrit term from which its English word “Axis” finds it’s origin. Link to origin . In Sanskrit “Akasha”is lot more than just axis. It is energy moving around an axis in a wave form. This movement gives mass to a particle and is the basis of ether. This elusive ether is in fact the basic building block and an makes up the smallest subatomic particles.
This image you learnt of an atom, en electron orbiting a nucleus in school is overly simplified 2D representaion and probably gives you a wrong idea of how it works:
Electrons don’t move around in circles aroun an orbit. They move as energy waves and so fast around a spherical plane that the atom gets its particle (solid) form. Its a complex Quantum physics phenomenon, explained in lay man terms.
it’s difficult to tangibly demonstrate “ether” but scientists agree of its presence simply through calculations that the total energy of the universe is much more than calculated by scientists owing to its tangible substances that the universe is made of. This “ether” is present in every matter in this universe, even in void spaces, in a stone, the trees, our bodies everything!
Infact, the whole Higgs boson Experiment is looking to search for the elusive particle that gives mass to tiniest sub-atomic particles and is yet to be discovered. This “Higgs Boson” particle is infact the Akash as per the vedas, one of the 5 element (panchbhoota) that every particle in this universe is made of. Every Indian knows this already what modern science is still trying to prove. Amazing isn’t it?
Nikola Tesla, the great scientist who specialized in the field of electricity, was much impressed to hear from the Swami his explanation of the Samkhya cosmogony and the theory of cycles given by the Hindus. He was particularly struck by the resemblance between the Samkhya theory of matter and energy and that of modern physics.
Tesla apparently failed to show the identity of energy and matter.  The mathematical proof of the principle did come until about ten years later when Albert Einstein published his paper on relativity. What had been known in the East for the last 5,000 years was then known to the West.
The above Article has been largely based on the tesla society blog and some additional references and info. You can find the reference here
11th January was the Birth Anniversary of this great saint from India. Many many salutations to this true son of soil. We miss you swamiji!
To the readers: There has been a massive attempt to take good ideas from ancient Indian wisdom and subjecting it to dejection rather than giving it the worthy due. You would have seen this happening all around you. Request you to become a soldier of thruth. Swamiji gave his life for a purpose, we can at least do our small bit if we love our mother land. Please share this article and support the truth. We don’t make any money through these articles, devote time and effort in the research and put  money from our pocket to promote it. Request you to please support this noble cause.
Thank you! :)

13 Countries Where You Can Get The Most Bang For Your Rupee

13 Countries Where You Can Get The Most Bang For Your Rupee

Indian tourists get a very crappy exchange rate when they travel abroad to popular tourist destinations where they have to be price conscious about everything. This led us to highlight some countries where the Indian rupee will make you feel rich. We've also added a bit of important travel information. Read on!
1. Belarus
Good news for people who really want to experience Europe on a shoestring budget! This small former Soviet country is dirt cheap. On the downside however, there is not much to see unless you are a fan of nostalgic Soviet architecture and ambience. If you want to feel like you're in Russia but pay a lower price for it all, you've made the best decision of your life to come here.
Some useful words: zdravstvujtie (means "hello", I'm not joking!), dziakuj(thank you), praklon (dammit!), bliadz (bitch!)
What to look out for: Brest Fortress (I can tell you just got disappointed when you saw a different spelling).
What to try: Draniki, which are thick pancakes made from grated potatoes with various stuffings served with sour cream.
2. Bolivia
This landlocked South American country has a fascinating history along with a landscape of contrasts. You might want to brush up on your Spanish before going here.
Some useful words and phrases: Hola! (hello), usted habla ingles? (Do you speak English), cojudo (dumbass), cua fea balla al mearda (*censored*).
What to look out for: The diversity in the country's population reflects the diversity in landscape.
What to try: Cheese empanadas.
3. Cambodia
After the reign of terror of the Khmer rouge, this southeast Asian nation has opened up to the world with temples and architecture that reflect the golden age of its ancient history.
Some useful words: niak sohk sabaay te? (how are you?), sott dae ondoong binh duke hah yeung (my hovercraft is full of eels).
What to look out for: The Angkor Wat Temple.
What to try: Fish Amok, a fish mousse made with a special herb, ginger, lime and lemon grass paste.
4. Costa Rica
This Latin American country is a favourite destination for travellers who love a tropical setting with sun, sand and jungles. Ditch Goa for once and find your way to Costa Rica!
Some useful words: Hola (Hello), vayase al demonio (go to hell).
What to look out for: Costa Rica has amazing beach resorts. Just imagine Thailand in a Latin American setting.
What to try: Refrescos Naturales, tropical fruit smoothies.
5. Hungary
Once the center of European power, Hungary is now a great place to get a crash course in history. Budapest has the most amazing architecture in the world and it will literally make your jaw drop.
Some useful words: jo napot (good day), kurva eletbe (FML).
What to look out for: The magical city of Budapest.
What to try: Goulash, yup you've probably heard of it before, but this is the original.
6. Iceland
Contrary to its name, this Nordic country has lush greenery in summers and is not a block of ice like Greenland.
Some useful words: Allt gott (I'm fine thanks), það er svo kalt (it's so cold),Kunntan thin (you #*nt).
What to look out for: Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights in winter.
What to try: The people of Iceland love whale meat so we'll just recommend something less controversial. The humble and delicious skyr for dairy lovers is soft and creamy like dahi but not as sour.

7. Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago of more than a thousand islands and was one of India's largest trading partners in ancient times. Today, it is a country of contrasts with friendly people.
Some useful words: Selamat Pagi (Good morning), terima kasih (thank you),goblok (dumbass), anjing (bitch).
What to look out for: Bali and Java are great places to learn about the local culture and have some great beaches and tropical getaways.
What to try: Nasi Goreng, Chinese style fried rice with anything you like (chicken, seafood, beef, egg) with curry and other spicy condiments.

8. Mongolia

This country located in the Gobi desert has been home to nomads for centuries. Although they have adopted modern techniques, they still follow the lifestyles of their ancestors i.e. rearing horses and cattle as well as having cozy homes that are always on the move.
Some useful words: Sain baina uu (hello), boovoo saa (*^$# yourself).
What to look out for: Experience a homestay with nomads. It's like living on a farm in the desert.
What to try: Mongolia is the place to go if you are a die-hard non-vegetarian. From mutton dumplings to mutton soup, you're cholesterol levels are very likely to skyrocket. You can get a hearty meal under Rs. 300

9. Nepal

This Himalayan nation is a popular haunt with Indian tourists due to its affordability and a chance to see the Himalayas close-up. 
Some useful words and phrases: Tapaaii lai kasto cha? (How are you?),sauchalaya kata chha (where's the toilet?), chahk (ass).
What to look out for: A front row view of Mount Everest.
What to try: Chatamari, a kind of Nepali pizza which is a rice crepe topped with minced meat, egg and seasonal vegetables.

10. Pakistan

Our neighbor might not be the most tourist friendly place on Earth but if you are a history buff, sites like the Indus Valley and the ruins of Mohenjo Daro would absolutely blow your mind.
What to try: Lamb Nihari with naan.

11. Paraguay

Bolivia's southern neighbour, Paraguay, is also an interesting nation that reflects the mystique of the South American heartlands and the Amazon basin.
Some useful words: Haku eterei! (It's hot!), che haku (I'm hot), ejapiro tuna ari (go *#@% off on a cactus).
What to look out for: The lively waterfront area of Encarnación has earned a reputation as one of Paraguay’s major tourist destinations. Locals flock to the beach during the summer season (December to February), which is brought to a close by the biggest carnival in the country.
What to try: Terere a traditional herb infused drink that has been around for a very long time.

12. Sri Lanka

This island is beautiful when it's not bogged down with political riots.
Some useful words: oba ingreesi kathaa karanavadha? (do you speak English?), kiyeda meka? (how much is this), Hukkanna (*censored* - use it on a local and find out), Balli (bitch).
What to look out for: Beaches, jungles, hills and tea gardens, Sri Lanka is just like Kerala. Excellent golf courses, if you play the sport.
What to try: Lamprais, influenced by the Dutch Burghers, these are steamed rice balls wrapped in banana leaf with a filling of meat and a spicy shrimp paste.

13. Vietnam

This country is always on the move. Find yourself on an intersection in Hanoi and the traffic doesn't seem to have any direction. The only way to survive is to weave your way to where you want to go.
Some useful words and phrases: Hân hạnh gặp ông (good morning), giao thông này là điên (this traffic is #$%^ed up).
What to look out for: Take a cruise on Halong Bay, it's the highlight of every holiday in Vietnam.
What to try: Beef Pho, Beef noodle soup. Don't worry if you're a hardcore Hindu. Pork and chicken alternatives are available.
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11 Interesting And Amazing Facts About Indian Rupee And Coins

Every nation evocation their currency with a specific name, and we know our currency as Rupee. Do you know that Rupee word originated from Sanskrit “rupyakam” which means silver coin. In India Reserve Bank of India controls the issuance of currency. Lets check out some amazing and interesting facts about our Indian Rupee.
Do you observe Indian Currency for this following things ?
1. As we all know that Rs.1000/- is largest/ biggest denomination of today, but before independence — 10,000 and 5000 rupees currency notes were existed. RBI was demonetize all such notes in 1938, and reissued it in 1954 and once again demonetized in 1978.
2. On Indian Rupees you can’t find these “I, J, O, X, Y, Z” alphabets / letters on the number panel. As in these case RBI only have twenty alphabets are used as insets. For security reasons, Reserve Bank of India doesn’t reveal which inset alphabet/ letters are assigned for which printing press.
3. Did you know that life of a banknote is only 9-10 months average ?
4. Our Indian currency have Braille signs to help the visually challenged, which gives hope to the blind –identify currency note. There were identification mark’s on the left side of banknote, which have different shapes for 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20 and 10 as Diamond, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square and None respectively.
5. I think you noticed year of issue on a mint, but have you ever noticed the different symbols below the year. These symbols are actually specifying where the originated. The following insets have been assumed and be allotted…
  • Delhi – have a dot
  • Mumbai – have a diamond
  • Hyderabad – have a star
  • Kolkata – Nothing beneath the year
6. Is anyone observe * (star) in the number panel between the prefix and the serial number, these are special series of currency notes known as “Star Series”. RBI released to replace defectively printed notes.
7. RBI minted special coins to celebrate anniversary, centenary etc. For the first time, coins of 75, 150 and 1000 were minted — to celebrate and honor the Reserve Bank of India’s platinum jubilee, 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore and 1000 years of Brihadeeswarar Temple respectively.
8. A One Rupee coin and above can be used to pay / settle any amount sum, but A 50 paise coin cannot be used for any amount above Rs 10/-.
9. Is there any idea about how Indian currency made ? I think you might not have any idea, the Indian Rupee note made up of cotton and cotton rag. Technically, it is not a paper but it look and feel of paper.
Indian currency notes making at Hoshangabad Security Paper Mill in Madhya Pradesh State.
10. One each and every bank note the back side, the amount is written in 17 different languages of India. Where you can find only 15 languages, so where the other 2 are written.
11. Bhutan and Zimbabwe are the two nations considered Indian Rupee as legal tender in these countries.
We hope you enjoyed and know many new things about our Indian Rupee currency….


Top 9 Amazing Historical Places In Telangana State

Charminar was the historical monument which was built in the year 1591 in Hyderabad, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah was the founder of Charminar built in center of the city. This Islamic architecture was built on the occasion founding medicine for Plague disease which had killed hundreds of members.
2. Makkah MasjiD
The fifth ruler of the Qutb Shah Dynasty had built in the year 1694 Makkah Masjid had constructed. Makkah Masjid is one of the oldest historical monument which was built with the soil brought from the Makkah. This monument named as Makkah due to adding soil bought from Makkah pilgrimage.
3. Bhongir Fort 
Bhongir Fort was built in the tenth century on an isolated monolithic rock by Chalukya ruler and its name was Tri Bhuvanagiri. For is located in Nalgonda District, Telangana state. The rock is at an height of 609.6 meters above from the sea level. On the big single rock they had constructed fort for protecting from enemies. Two entry places have been arranged with huge stones on Bhongir Fort.
4. 1000 pillar temple
The 1000 pillar temple was one of the oldest temple built by Kakatiyas. This temple is having 1000 pillar, so this temple named as 1000 pillar temple. This is an historical temple was built in King Rudra Deva ruling in 1163 AD. 1000 Pillar temple will be looking in the shape of Star with shrines and lingas.
5. Golconda Fort
Golconda Fort is also known as Golla konda which is constructed on a small mountain 11 KM far away from the Hyderabad. The Golconda region is famous for mines and many valueble diamonds. It was built by Kakatiya ruler Pratap Rudra as part of their western defenses. After to time passes Golconda fort became Kingdom of Qutb Shahi.
6. Ramappa Temple
Ramappa Temple was located in warangal district which was constructed by General Recherla Rudra under the ruling period of Kakatiya Dynasty and the ruler is Ganapathi Deva. This Ramappa Temple is famous for lord Sri Rama and the name of the temple had kept after the completion of temple construction work.
7. Telangana Legislative Assembly
The Telangana Assembly is located in Hyderabad, it was built in the year 1913,The Construction of the Assembly was started in the year 1905 by Monarch of Hyderabad State “The Nizam” to mark it as “Nizam Mir Mahboob Ali Khan” 40th Birthday. At present (2014) the Telangana Legislature is Bicameral.
8. Warangal Fort
The Warangal fort was build by the Kakatiya rulers in 13 Century, during Rudrama Devi and Prataparudra ruling this fort had constructed. This places were under construction at the end of the Kakatiya ruling period and the remnants structure will be appearing near town was the capital city of Kakatiya Dynasty.
9. Medak Church 
One of the biggest church in Telangana State is Medak Church and it was built in the period of 1919 to 1921, when people are suffering from famine and this church foundation was started in the year 1914. It was consecrated by the pop Charles Posnett in the year 1924. This church had established for rising the mission of Christians in Medak District.

25 Interesting Facts About India We Bet You Didn’t Know

India is the birthplace of traditions, customs and it is Gods raw land as every one knows it. It is also the home ground for some of the unusual and rare things. These 21 below are of such kind have a look and know better about India.
1.A floating Post Office
India’s postal network is the largest in the world connecting each and every village, town and city. With over 1,55,015 post offices each of which covering 7,175 people . The postal department of Kashmir have inaugurated a floating post office in Dal lake as postal service and tourist attraction. This post office is of first of its kind in India.
2. Kumbh Mela Gathering Visible From Space.
A Massive gathering held once in Twelve years is considered as the largest religious gathering in the world with over 75 million people. This gathering held in 2011 is even visible from outer space.
3. The Wettest Inhabited Place In The World.
A Village in Khasi HIls in Meghalaya Named Mawsynram receives the highest average recorded ever rainfall in the world. People here wont go out without umbrellas
4. Steel Wire Used In Bandra Worli Sealink Can Circulated Earth’s Circumference.
The Weight is equal to 50,000 African Elephants and a total of 2,57,00,000 man hours day and night lead to this state of art engineering and skill.
5. Highest Cricket Ground in the world.
Located in Chali of Himachal Pradesh at an altitude of 2,444 metres above sea level this is the highest Cricket ground in the world. Built in 1893 as a part of Chali Military school.
6. Shampooing is an Indian concept.
Using herbs as shampoo in invented in India in prehistoric times. Then name is also derived from Sanskrit word ‘Champu” which means to massage.

7. Till date all Kabaddi world Cups are won by India.
Both the men and women kabaddi world cups till date are won by India only making it an undefeated champion.

8. Traces of water on moon is discovered by India.
The Chandrayan-1 mission by ISRO on September 2009 have found the traces of water on moon using its Mineralogy Mapper for the first time.

9. Science day in Switzerland is dedicated to Ex-Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam.
During his tenure as president of India he visited Switzerland in 2006. On this event of his arrival May 26th is declared as science day.

10. India First President took 50% of his salary during his tenure.
Dr. Rajehdra Prasad the first President of India took only 50% of this total salary of Rs.10000/- saying that he don’t require not more than that. At the end of his tenure of 12 years as President he took only 25%of his salary.

11. Indian first rocket by ISRO is transported on bicycle.
The first rocket is so light and small that it is transported on a cycle to Thumba Launching station in Thruvananthapuram.

12. An Spa Just for elephants 
Punnathoor Cotta Elephant Yard Rejuvenation Centre in Kerala offers bathing, massage and even food for elephants.

13. Second Largest English Speaking Country.
Next to USA, with over 125 million people speaking English India is the second largest English speaking nation. This number is expected to increase in coming future.

14. Largest number of vegetarians in the world.
Whether it is because of religion or personal choice or both India have 20 to 40 percent of pure vegetarians making it the largest animal friendly country in the world.

15. Holds first place in production of milk.
India have crossed the European Union with production reaching over 132.4, tonnes in 2014.

16. First Country to  consume sugar.
Production of sugar first took place in India. The extraction and purifying techniques first invented and used in India which later spread to other countries.

17. The Human Calculator.
Genius born Natural Shakuntla Devi was given this title after a demonstrating the calculation of two 13 digit numbers given random. She answered it correctly with in 28 seconds.

18. Bangladesh National Anthem is written by Rabindranath Tagore.
Apart from writing Indian National Anthem “Jana Gana Mana” Tagore have also written Bangladesh National Anthem “Amar Sonar Bangla”. Britishers offered Knighthood honour but Tagore Refused it after Jalianwala Bagh incident.

19. Dhyan Chand was Offered German Citizenship.
Defeating Germany with a huge difference of 8-1 in 1936 Berlin Olympics, the wizard of hockey major Dhyan Chand was summoned by Hitler and offered with German citizenship and many more but he refused all of them.

20. Freddie Mercury and Ben Kingsley are both of Indian descent.
Hollywood star and Oscar winner Ben Kingsley was born as Krishna Pandit Bhanji and the legendary singer of the rock band ‘Queen’ Freddie Mercury was born Parsi with the name Farrokh Bulsar.

21. Astronaut Rakesh Sharma said India looks Saare Jahaan Se Achcha from outer space.
Upon his successful return from space programme the former President of India questioned Rakesh sharma the first Indian in to space, How India looked from space then he said “Saare Jahaan Se Achcha”

22. Havell’s is an Indian brand which named after its first owner.
Haveli Ram Gupta is the first owner of the company later sold for 10 lakh rupees long time ago and now a leading company for electrical goods with turn over in billions.

23. Diamonds were first mined in India.
The Alluvial Deposits in Guntur and Krishna districts of the Krishna river delta are the places where diamonds are mined first in the world. In 18th Century diamonds are also found in Brazil. Until this time India led the diamond production of the world.

24. In middle of Gir Forest a polling booth is set up of a lone voter.
The Gir forest of Gujarat have an lone voter named Mahant Bharatdas Darshandas and is utilizing his vote since 2004. Since then a Polling booth is being set up for this single voter as our politicians know each vote counts.

25. The Game Snake and Ladder Originated in India.
Snakes and Ladder a commercialized game these days is actually invented earlier to describe ups and downs in life in order to know about Karma in life and actually called as Moksha Patam those days.

